Our Undergraduate Courses
During the 2007/2008 academic session, it became the policy position of the Federal Government for every Higher Education Institution (HEI) in Nigeria to introduce entrepreneurship education into their curricula. This was with the objective of re-orientating all graduates of Nigerian HEIs for entrepreneurial self-confidence and self-efficacy, value creation, as well as self-employment. Simply put, the government aimed at developing graduates that will be equipped with the intellectual capacity that would be necessary to navigate successfully through discovering innovative opportunities for new ventures creation and growth, while also leveraging the culture and structures in already existing organizations.
In line with the above directive of the Federal Government, the University commenced the teaching of a compulsory general course in entrepreneurship, GES 301 - Introduction to Entrepreneurship Skills, which is being coordinated by CEI. Meanwhile, University of Ibadan had pioneered teaching and research in entrepreneurship and innovation in Nigeria at the turn of this century. From 2006 to 2008 spanning three academic sessions, UI through the Centre for Entrepreneurship and Innovation developed a strategy on teaching entrepreneurship and innovation to expose all undergraduate students to the concepts of entrepreneurship and innovation at the 200 level using a series of annual workshops. Thereafter, the teaching of a 300-level elective course, ETR 301: ‘Basic Entrepreneurship and Innovation’ commenced with effect from 2009.
Today, CEI coordinates the two entrepreneurship courses being offered to all students at their 300 level of study. These are GES 301 and ETR 301.
GES 301 – “Introduction to Entrepreneurial Skills” is a compulsory entrepreneurship course offered to all students at 300 level.
ETR 301 – “Basic Entrepreneurship and Innovation” is an elective entrepreneurship course offered to students at 300 level. The course is co-taught with entrepreneurs. Students have access to entrepreneurs who engage them in interactive sessions in the classroom. In addition to networking, students enjoy mentoring services from these entrepreneurs. Students write business plans at the end of the course and viable ones are supported by connecting them to FINANCE. Students understudy businesses in order to practically learn more about these organizations as well as from the entrepreneurs.
The reality of the 21st century world of work has uncovered the need to equip undergraduate students with the employability skills, which beyond the subject-knowledge skills, employers of labour are looking for in their potential employees. As a result of this, career readiness and employability skills was recently introduced as a module to the course curriculum with the aim of getting the students job ready. Also, in order to ensure the students’ business ideas and product meet international standards, the centre is currently working with the Export Expansion Facility Programme of the Nigerian Export Promotion Council to incorporate contents that will equip students with the capacity to become entrepreneurs that can compete at the international level. The centre is also working on collaboration with Academic and Post Tertiary Excellence Ltd on equipping the students with Entrepreneurial skill development, employment and outcome based trainings.
(1) UI.CEI Entrepreneurship Development Programmes (EDPs)
(2) UI.CSU Professional Development Programmes (PDPs)
(3) Executive Development Programmes (ExDPs)