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To be the leader in positively transforming society through entrepreneurship and innovation


To unlock the entrepreneurial ideas in students, staff and operators of small and medium enterprises, through training and other interventions to enable them develop sustainable enterprise by utilizing mutually rewarding partnerships with the private sector, policy-makers and non-governmental organisations committed to economic growth, poverty alleviation and sustainable development.

Core Competencies

· Building human capital

· Unlocking ideas in people through training, research and consultancy

· Developing a portfolio of relevant competencies

· Creating innovation through product-prototyping and process improvement


The goal of the CEI is to institutionalize the development of entrepreneurship and innovation through teaching, research, networking, and advocacy, as well as collaboration with the private sector and government.

Functions of CEI

The CEI has a tripartite mandate viz: Academic programmes, Entrepreneurial training and support for student-owned business startup, and establishing strong linkages with the local business community through which training and support for businesses are offered. The centre’s main functions are as follows:

v Curriculum development in entrepreneurship and innovation;

v Coordination of teaching and research in entrepreneurship and innovation;

v Promotion of linkages with the private sector through research, consultancy, training and building networks and alliances;

v Development of appropriate approaches for promoting innovation among entrepreneurs particularly of small businesses and students; and

v Development of modalities for promoting linkage with government, including building appropriate institutional and legal frameworks for enhancing University-Private Sector Collaboration in Nigeria.

How We Perform our Functions

We seek to accomplish our mandate by:

· Training students, staff and entrepreneurs through workshops, seminars and lectures in face-to-face and distance learning modes, including university-listed courses that are practical and evidence-based;

· Using a combination of academic and private-sector-based instructors in teaching and in attaching trainees to experienced mentors for guidance and experience-sharing;

· Organizing research and innovation as well as similar fares and competitions for promoting entrepreneurship and innovation at different levels;

· Conducting relevant research and consultancies to determine appropriate interventions, including the best training approaches to be adopted in promoting entrepreneurship and innovation;

· Commercializing the results of research and other intellectual property through the development and establishment of business and technology incubators and small business development centres as well as using other knowledge transfer approaches; and

· Networking with others in performing our functions, including the building of alliances to ensure the emergence of appropriate legal and institutional frameworks and a conducive environment for the development of entrepreneurship and innovation.