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Centre for Entrepreneurship Innovation

The CEI has a tripartite mandate viz: Academic programmes, Entrepreneurial training and support for student-owned business startup, and establishing strong linkages with the local business community through which training and support for businesses are offered. The centre’s main functions are as follows:

  1.  Curriculum development in entrepreneurship and innovation;
  2.  Coordination of teaching and research in entrepreneurship and innovation;
  3.  Promotion of linkages with the private sector through research, consultancy, training and building networks and alliances;
  4.  Development of appropriate approaches for promoting innovation among entrepreneurs particularly of small businesses and students; and
  5.  Development of modalities for promoting linkage with government, including building appropriate institutional and legal frameworks for enhancing University-Private Sector Collaboration in Nigeria.

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Upcoming Events


1.      CEI webinar series for her Entrepreneurship Club, the UI Startup Community. A platform where experts and industrialists will talk to the students on different domains, employability and innovations.  

2.      CEI monthly webinar: CEI holds a monthly webinar for lecturers, which is themed: Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Employability. 

3.      A Day Training in Event Management and Services. The Theme: THRIVING IN THE EVENT INDUSTRY, the Event will take place on Thursday 20th Feb 2025.

Advanced Certificate Programmes commencing in March, 2025

Upcoming Events


  1.  CEI webinar series for her Entrepreneurship Club, the UI Startup Community. A platform where experts and industrialists will talk to    the students on different domains, employability and innovations.  
  2.    CEI monthly webinar: CEI holds a monthly webinar for lecturers, which is themed: Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Employability. 
  3.    A Day Training in Event Management and Services. The Theme: THRIVING IN THE EVENT INDUSTRY, the Event will take place on Thursday 20th Feb 2025.
  4.   Advanced Certificate Programmes commencing in March, 2025